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S e c u r e d    o n l i n e    p u r c h a s e

1) Internet (PayPal) :

- FreeRAM 10 Euros
- LTCDA 20 Euros
- LTCDA Pro Station 11 Euros / station

Images de la solution PayPal

2) Bank transfert :

-Put your name and not your society's one.
-Send me a scan of the receipt to get your soft quickly.
-Algerian Dinars account (CCP) : CC 71652 09 cle 10
                      01 645 201012077 36

3) Check in Algerian Dinars :

-To : Mohammed El Mehdi ZOUBIRI.
-Address :
ZOUBIRI Mohammed El Mehdi
Cité des 408 logements
Batîment 5 cage A n°1
Boumerdès 35000 ALGERIA

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